Cyber Security

This is a complex task and requires a holistic and dynamic approach to security. It’s essential to work with experienced professionals to design and implement a comprehensive protection strategy that aligns with your specific infrastructure requirements.

Implementing security measures that are customized to the specific needs and vulnerabilities of your critical infrastructure is essential. Conducting thorough risk assessments and identifying potential threats will enable the development of a robust security strategy which includes:


Multi-Layered Defense 

Relying on a multi-layered security approach is vital. This involves implementing security measures at various levels, such as physical security, network security, access controls, encryption, intrusion detection, and firewalls. By having multiple layers, even if one layer is breached, other layers can still provide protection.

Advanced Threat Detection 
Utilize cutting-edge technologies for threat detection and analysis, including AI-based solutions, machine learning algorithms, and behavior analysis. These technologies can help identify abnormal patterns and potential security breaches that may go unnoticed with traditional security measures.

Redundancy and Backup Systems
Build redundancy and backup systems for critical infrastructure components. This ensures that in the event of a failure or cyber-attack, there are alternative mechanisms to maintain operations.

Employee Training and Awareness
The human element is crucial in maintaining security. Regularly train employees on security best practices, potential threats, and how to handle security incidents. Encourage a security-conscious culture throughout the organization.

Proactive Vulnerability Assessments
Regularly conduct vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify weaknesses in your infrastructure. Addressing  vulnerabilities before they are exploited is crucial for maintaining a secure environment.

Continuous Improvement
Security is an ongoing process, and threats constantly evolve. Regularly review and update your security measures to adapt to new challenges and technologies.

In the System Control Room Project Manage and IT Engineer Have Discussion, they're surrounded by Multiple Monitors with Graphics. Big Monitor Shows Interactive Logistics Map.

(CIP) Critical infrastructure protraction

we provides High – end solutions for Mapping identifies the organization’s digital footprint and monitors assets beyond the perimeter on an ongoing basis, ensuring visibility into said assets with severity-based prioritization of issues to address, highlighting related threats, vulnerabilities, and weaknesses.

Modern interior of server room in datacenter

Land and maritime security

TRD smart advice Ltd specializes in providing tailored land and maritime security solutions. Our “2025 Border concept” encompasses an extensive array of advanced systems and technologies, such as intelligence systems (AI), Big data, radars, electro-optics, underwater sensors, fully deployed manned and unmanned systems, and C4I (Command, Control,  Communications, Computers, and Intelligence).

This integration of cutting-edge technologies ensures a comprehensive and  innovative approach to land and maritime security. TRD’s      commitment to innovation and efficiency allows us to deliver effective solutions that safeguard land and maritime borders, providing enhanced security and peace of mind for our clients. 


seaport security

TRD smart advice Ltd team of experts (Border and Seaport) has vast ongoing experience in providing security consulting services for Seaports and Border protection. In recent years, our team of consultants had provided security consulting services for several seaports and Border security projects. Those services included, among other: risk assessment, preparation of security master plans, preparation of security policies, detailed design (including technical specs, installation drawings and bill of materials), preparation of international tenders and supervision.

Cargo ship and crane at port reflect on river, twilight time.